[Abstract] Trends in rehabilitation robots and their translational research in National Rehabilitation Center, Korea – SpringerLink


Robots are expected to play an important role in rehabilitation as rehabilitation robots can provide frequent and repetitive doses during treatment or provide seamless support in daily living activities. However, the research and development results of rehabilitation robots indicate that they are not suitable for clinical applications because of several requirements such as safety, effectiveness, long-term investment, and other barriers between bench and bedside.

This paper reviews the current trends in rehabilitation robots and then shares the experience of a translational research for rehabilitation robots in the National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) of Korea during the last three years.

The NRC translational research for rehabilitation robots consists of three parts: extramural projects of universities, research institutes, and companies for clinical applications, intramural projects within NRC, and operation of an NRC Robot Gym, i.e., a sharing space between clinicians and engineers.

This translational research provides infrastructures for clinicians and engineers conducting studies on rehabilitation robots. NRC is trying to connect robotic technology with clinical application through this translational research. In addition, a novel direction for the next three years is presented. This research will contribute visible results such as boosting the rehabilitation robot industry and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and senior citizens.

Source: Trends in rehabilitation robots and their translational research in National Rehabilitation Center, Korea | SpringerLink http://partner.googleadservices.com/gpt/pubads_impl_94.js

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