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[Abstract + References] Soft Robotic Glove with Alpha Band Brain Computer Interface for Post-Stroke Hand Function Rehabilitation – Conference Publication


Loss of hand dexterity is a major challenge faced by post-stroke patients who strive to resume their ordinary daily lives. Effective hand function rehabilitation treatment for such population is therefore necessary. A soft robotic glove system operated through SSVEP-based BCI has been reported to be an effective tool for post-stroke hand motor function recovery. This study further evaluated the application of visual stimulation in the alpha band for SSVEP-assisted rehabilitation. We compared the treatment outcome with stimulations within the alpha band to that outside the band. A total of 20 post-stroke patients with severe upper limb dysfunction were randomly assigned to alpha band group and non-alpha band group. The experiment result was assessed with Fugl-Meyer upper limb Motor Assessment (FMAUE) and alpha EEG oscillation analysis. The alpha band group showed slightly but notably higher FMA-UE scores (P<0.05), and significantly increased alpha wave EEG oscillations (P<0.05). The result demonstrated the usefulness of alpha band SSVEP for post stroke hand function rehabilitation.

Published in: 2022 14th Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON)



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[Abstract] The Ethics of Rehabilitation in Virtual Reality: the role of Self-Avatars and Deep Learning


Medical Rehabilitation systems are constantly improving according to the technological evolution, and the use of virtual reality for assistive purposes is being investigated in research. One particular case of rehabilitation regards the hands and upper limbs of hemiplegic post-stroke patients. While studying possible ways to support this population, we discuss the ethical issues that arise from the use of extended reality technologies, in particular self-avatars, and the use of artificial intelligence, in particular deep learning, in neuro-cognitive applications. We present a rehabilitation approach, based on the digital embodiment of virtual limbs, in which the movements of the self-avatars are modified and optimized by the system, to lead the patients to the performance of the natural actions they lost. The ethical discussion starts from the policy of the representation of the self in virtual environments, and additional issues arise when the users have disabilities. A learning system, based on a convolutional neural network, allows the personalization of the parameters of the therapy in the long term. The collection and analysis of physiological data is also discussed, again in a scenario that involves vulnerable users.


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[Abstract] A Systematic Review of the Use of Virtual Reality Games in Post-stroke Rehabilitation – Conference Publication


Video games are known for being great at captivating the attention of the user, and by applying Virtual Reality they create vivid, realistic, and exciting experiences. Strokes affect a large portion of the world’s population, causing innumerable deaths, and leaving a great number of its survivors with disabilities in their upper limbs. With this paper we intend to review the role of virtual reality games on the post-stroke recovery of the upper limbs. A systematic search was conducted in March 2021 using IEEE, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ACM Digital Library databases. According to the 9 articles selected from the 153 surveyed, Virtual Reality has proven to be particularly useful in both keeping patients focused and entertained during their training, which would otherwise be viewed as a repetitive and uninteresting task. Based on the analysis of the reviewed papers, we identify and present in this study several useful techniques for developing an engaging, motivating, and effective Virtual Reality serious game for poststroke rehabilitation.


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[Abstract] Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Virtual Reality Applications for Upper Limb Rehabilitation – IEEE Conference Publication


The objective of this paper was to compare the incidence of a rehabilitation game in motor ability with dynamic difficulty adjustment (ADD) in comparison to a manual configuration. To achieve that, a virtual tool called “Bug catcher” was developed, which is focused in upper limb rehabilitation. This tool uses a dynamic difficulty adjustment based in fuzzy logic. The population involved for the present study were made by 2 users, a 18-year-old patient with a hemiparesis that limits her motor ability in her left upper limb, and a 37-year-old patient with motor monoparesis in his right upper limb. This tool was used in both users, each one with a different configuration (automatic or manual), and the motor ability from both participants was objectively measured using Box and Blocks Test, applied before, during and after each session; additionally, a performance index (percentage of success) was defined in order to determine the progress of the participants in the virtual tool. As a result, it was obtained that user number one using the game with ADD, managed to obtain not only a better performance in the sessions but also an important advance in her motor skill in comparison to the user 2 with the manual configuration.

via Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Virtual Reality Applications for Upper Limb Rehabilitation – IEEE Conference Publication

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[Abstract] Design and Evaluation of a Soft and Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation


In the modern world, due to an increased aging population, hand disability is becoming increasingly common. The prevalence of conditions such as stroke is placing an ever-growing burden on the limited fiscal resources of health care providers and the capacity of their physical therapy staff. As a solution, this paper presents a novel design for a wearable and adaptive glove for patients so that they can practice rehabilitative activities at home, reducing the workload for therapists and increasing the patient’s independence. As an initial evaluation of the design’s feasibility the prototype was subjected to motion analysis to compare its performance with the hand in an assessment of grasping patterns of a selection of blocks and spheres. The outcomes of this paper suggest that the theory of design has validity and may lead to a system that could be successful in the treatment of stroke patients to guide them through finger flexion and extension, which could enable them to gain more control and confidence in interacting with the world around them.

I. Introduction

In the modern world an extended life expectancy coupled with a sedentary lifestyle raises concerns over long term health in the population. This is highlighted by the increasing incidence of disability stemming from multiple sources, for example medical conditions such as cancer or stroke [1]. While avoiding the lifestyle factors that have a high association with these diseases would be the preferred solutions of health services the world over, as populations get progressively older and more sedentary, this becomes increasingly more difficult [1], [2]. The treatment of these conditions is often complex; in stroke for example, the initial incident is a constriction of blood flow in the brain which in turn damages the nervous system’s ability to communicate with the rest of the body. This damage will occur in one hemisphere of the body but can impact both the upper and lower limbs, as well as impairing functional processes such as speech and cognitive thinking.


via Design and Evaluation of a Soft and Wearable Robotic Glove for Hand Rehabilitation – IEEE Journals & Magazine

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